Street shots are mostly photos of people and their daily lives in the streets, public places and so. Often so called ‘candids’ where they don’t know that they play a main part in the photo. I do this kind of ‘hunting’ from time to time as I find it so interesting to ‘freeze’ attitudes, expressions and so -and all the different, charming characters out there..Now, if YOU should find yourself in one of my photos please know that you are there because I found you an interesting, fine person. But if you do not approve, please send me a note and I will remove the image!
(Kontakt meg dersom du ser deg selv på disse sidene og ikke ønsker å befinne deg der!)

Misc. people in misc. places
62 images

63 images

32 images

Streets in Crete
44 images

12 images

Streets in Gdansk, Poland
14 images

May 01 and 17
29 images