Sitemap – albums Cities Fredrikstad Sarpsborg Moss Halden Karlstad Lysekil and Uddevalla areas Oslo Helsinki Gdansk Barcelona Ningbo, China Shanghai Trondheim Tromsø Luxembourg, Metz 2002 Larvik, Sandefjord Industry Industry Fredrikstad FMV – visiti in 2021 Industry Moss & Råde Storwartz Olavs gruva Industry Sarpsborg & Greåker Industry Halden & Tistedalen Misc. industry Østfold Harbor area Las Palmas Rånåsfoss Powerstation Industry in Vestfold Industry Helsinki Industry Gdansk Auli Grain Mill Misc. Industrial Villages, townships, small places Røros Hvaler Small places in Sweden Trains & rails Trains, stations, rails Uddevalla railway station Miniature railway Abandoned places, decay, ruins Decay and ruins Abandoned hospital Kirkegata skole Nes kirkeruiner Greåker fortress Vehicles, boats & machinery Vehicles and trailers Båstnäs car cemetery Machinery US cars show Boats and ships Travelling Gran Canaria Tenerife Crete Northern Norway roadtrips Kroatia 2018 Thailand 2007 China 2011 Street shots / people Misc. people in misc. places Fredrikstadfolk Sarpinger Gran Canaria life Streets in Crete Trøndere Streets in Gdansk, Poland May 01 and 17 Landscapes & forests Østfold forests and landscapes Nordnorske landskap Misc. Norwegian landscapes and nature Man made landscapes Seascapes & coastlines Hvaler sea & coast Østfold coastlines Northern Norway sea views Misc. sea, coast, lake views Art and Fantasy Paintings & drawings Street art & graffiti Digital creativity Lightshow Motions Art and effects Effects Art in photos Abstract Misc. abstract On the beach Abstract floor tiles Scanned, old photos Old family (mostly) photos People (family mostly) & animals China 1996 Landscapes (Old scanned shots) Cities (Some old scanned shots) Birds and animals Misc. animals Birds Close nature Flowers Flowers and insect (Macros) Misc. plants Attraction & action Tall Ships Race 2023 Tall ships race 2019 Silya & the sailors Elingaard Herregård Kjøkøy fort Tusenfryd Fredriksten fortress / festning Hafslundparken, Sarpsborg Palmitos Park Narnte Skams klove Small fairgrounds Military drill Dødsing (Death diving) Misc. photos – Diverse